Saturday, December 6, 2008

We had a group here from Sachse, TX for Thanks giving. They arrived Thanksgiving Day. We had tamales waiting for them when they arrived. Since most internationals had to work on Thanksgiving Day, we invited them all over for supper and football! The football, of course, was Scott's idea.
They next day we begin cooking! We cooked Thanksgiving dinner for the Children's Home. When we arrived, Marilyn from the group, told the Thanksgiving story and did a craft with the children. We feed about 60 people at dinner time. The children didn't take to well to an American Thanksgiving dinner. They thought it was kinda wierd! They did enjoy the turkey, ham, and of course the SWEETS! We had so much food left over, we had enough to feed the each family from the village of El Higo. On Sat. we went back to the Children's Home. Jenny gave the children haircuts. George and Phillip made a sign for our church. It was a jam packed three days!!
I'm looking forward to Christmas! We will be meeting Scott's parents, my Mom, and my sister in San Antonio for Christmas. I can't wait!! Hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving!!
Love, Gayla

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